Wineries and wine tastings
The central location of Rosh Pina in the Upper Galilee, allows visits to many wineries scattered within a radius of up to half an hour's drive.

The Upper Galilee and the Golan Heights are full of wineries of all types and sizes, local boutique wineries and large wineries that export all over the country.
It is recommended to spend several hours touring wineries in the towns located at the back of the mountain and several hours to wineries in the Golan Heights.
It is important to coordinate the visit in advance.
Rosh Pina Wineries: Gei Oni Winery, Meister Winery.
Wineries at the back of the mountain: Galilee Mountains Winery in Kibbutz Yaron, Safed Winery, Nahal Amud Winery in Kfar Shamai, Meitav Winery in Kerem Ben Zimra, Lueria Winery in Safsufa, Kerem Eviatar Winery in Dalton, Dishon Winery and many more ...
Wineries in the Golan Heights: Golan Heights Winery, Bazelet HaGolan Winery, Assaf Winery, Terra Nova Winery, Pelter Winery, Zohar Winery, Tel Shifon Winery and more ...
Just do not forget - if you drink don't drive